Plants with Four Flower Parts (Petals)
This is a list of species found on this site with Four Flower Parts (Petals), in order by the Common Name that is used for each species on this site. |
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The number of petals a flower has can be an important key to identifying the flower.
Newcombe's Wildflower Guide is based on this concept.
An important thing to remember about this concept is that the "number of petals" represents the number of apparent petals.
This is not necessarily the botanically-correct number of petals. Oftentimes what appear to be petals are actually sepals or bracts.
It is an aid to identification, not a botanical classification. |
- Alyssum, Hoary (Berteroa incana)
- Bedstraw, Labrador (Galium labradoricum)
- Bedstraw, Purple (Galium latifolium)
- Bedstraw, Sweet-scented (Galium triflorum)
- Bedstraw, Yellow (Galium verum)
- Bluehearts (Buchnera americana)
- Bower, Virgin's (Clematis virginiana)
- Buckthorn, Glossy (Frangula alnus)
- Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis)
- Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
- Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
- Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra)
- Columbo, American (Frasera caroliniensis)
- Cranberry, Large (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
- Cranberry, Small (Vaccinium oxycoccos)
- Cress, Hairy Bitter (Cardamine hirsuta)
- Cress, Hairy Rock (Arabis hirsuta)
- Cress, Lyre-leaved Rock (Arabidopsis lyrata)
- Cress, Purple (Cardamine douglassii)
- Cress, Smooth Rock (Borodinia laevigata)
- Cress, Spring (Cardamine bulbosa)
- Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)
- Culver's Root (Veronicastrum virginicum)
- Dogwood, Alternate-leaved (Cornus alternifolia)
- Dogwood, Flowering (Cornus florida)
- Dogwood, Red Osier (Cornus stolonifera)
- Dogwood, Silky (Cornus obliqua)
- Gentian, Narrow-leaved (Gentiana linearis)
- Gentian, Smaller Fringed (Gentianopsis virgata)
- Gentian, Spurred (Halenia deflexa)
- Hazel, Witch (Hamamelis virginiana)
- Holly, Mountain (Ilex mucronata)
- Jumpseed (Persicaria virginiana)
- Meadow Beauty (Rhexia virginica)
- Meadow Rue, Early (Thalictrum dioicum)
- Mustard, Garlic (Alliaria petiolata)
- Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens)
- Poppy, Celandine (Stylophorum diphyllum)
- Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum)
- Privet (Ligustrum vulgare)
- River Beauty (Chamerion latifolium)
- Rocket, Dame's (Hesperis matronalis)
- Rocket, Yellow (Barbarea vulgaris)
- Saxifrage, Golden (Chrysosplenium americanum)
- Shepherd's Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
- Snowberry, Creeping (Gaultheria hispidula)
- Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum)
- Whitlow Grass, Spring (Draba verna)
- Woodruff, Sweet (Galium odoratum)
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Alyssum, Hoary
(Berteroa incana)
Bedstraw, Labrador
(Galium labradoricum)
Bedstraw, Purple
(Galium latifolium)
Bedstraw, Sweet-scented
(Galium triflorum)
Bedstraw, Yellow
(Galium verum)
(Buchnera americana)
(Cephalanthus occidentalis)
(Chelidonium majus)
(Polanisia dodecandra)
Columbo, American
(Frasera caroliniensis)
Cress, Hairy Bitter
(Cardamine hirsuta)
Cress, Hairy Rock
(Arabis hirsuta)
Cress, Lyre-leaved Rock
(Arabidopsis lyrata)
Cress, Purple
(Cardamine douglassii)
Cress, Smooth Rock
(Borodinia laevigata)
Cress, Spring
(Cardamine bulbosa)
(Cardamine pratensis)
Dogwood, Flowering
(Cornus florida)
(Persicaria virginiana)
Meadow Beauty
(Rhexia virginica)
Meadow Rue, Early
(Thalictrum dioicum)
Mustard, Garlic
(Alliaria petiolata)
(Mitchella repens)
(Ligustrum vulgare)
River Beauty
(Chamerion latifolium)
Saxifrage, Golden
(Chrysosplenium americanum)
Shepherd's Purse
(Capsella bursa-pastoris)
(Dipsacus fullonum)
Whitlow Grass, Spring
(Draba verna)
Woodruff, Sweet
(Galium odoratum)
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